OPO – Optical Parametric Oscillator

OPO-X fs

Tunable fs OPO for Ti:Sa Laser

Tunable Automated Femtosecond OPO Suitable for Ti:Sa Laser


OPO-X is a synchronously pumped widely tunable optical parametric oscillator (OPO) for fs Ti:Sapphire laser pumping, covering the wavelength range from 505 … 4000 nm. It is fully automated, i.e. software controlled tuning over the full specified wavelength range. This is made possible by its new control electronics, internal diagnostics, and Control Software packaged conveniently in a new housing.

Maximum Flexibility

OPO-X is based on a FAN crystal, which enables a large flexibility. The OPO wavelength can be tuned independently of the pump wavelength, accepting to be pumped from 740 … 880 nm. This enables a maximum flexibility of simultaneous available wavelengths for the experiment.

At a Glance

  • Suitable for Mira / Mira HP / Chameleon Ultra II / Chameleon Vision II / Tsunami / MaiTai
  • Independent Pump- and Signal tuning
  • Fully automated tuning
  • Windows-based Control Software included
  • Jitter-free generation of pulses
  • Standard Software interface (using TCP/IP)


OPO- X can be provided with several options and modifications:

  • Output of Idler beam (in addition to output of Signal beam)
  • Depleted pump output (not in combination with Idler)
  • Customized wavelength ranges
  • Adaptation to various pump laser cavity lengths and pump pulse width
  • Difference Frequency Generation for MIR generation up to15 µm
  • Simultaneous access to IR and VIS output

Acquisition Software and TCP/IP Standard Software Interface

All models come with an easy to use data acquisition software, allowing for real-time data display. Furthermore, the TCP/IP-based standard software interface by APE makes it straight forward to set up remote control. This allows you, for example, to design your own automated measurement routines. Simply use our protocol templates for rapid configuration with familiar programming languages, including C++, C#, LabVIEW, Python, Matlab, and Ruby.

OPO Revolution

Short documentary that travels the world to examine how APE optical parametric oscillator (OPO) systems are enabling next generation work in solar cells, cancer research, biomedicine, surgical procedures, molecular science, and more.

More Wavelength with OPO-X in Combination with Harmonic Generation

When combined with extra-cavity SHG (Second Harmonic Generation), THG (Third Harmonic Generation) and DFG (Difference Frequency Generation) wavelength converters of the HarmoniXX series, almost every wavelength from 660 nm up to 15 μm can be generated.

The OPO-X is designed to be compatible with various Ti:Sa lasers, as summarized in the standardized pump laser specifications provided below. If your laser has different parameter, please don´t hesitate contact us for further information.


OPO-XFemtosecond (fs)
* Pump wavelength-dependent
** RMS noise measured within bandwidth of 10 Hz … 1 MHz, using a Pump wavelength of 800 nm and a Signal wavelength of 1100 nm.
Wavelength range Signal1000 nm … 1600 nm*
Wavelength range Signal SHG, optional505 nm … 740 nm*
Wavelength range Idler, optional1750 nm … 4000 nm*
Power Signal>650 mW at 1100 nm pumped with 3.5 W at 800 nm, others on request
Power Signal SHG>500 mW at 600 nm pumped with 3.5 W at 800 nm, others on request
Pulse width, typical200 fs pumped with 130 fs
Time bandwidth product, typical0.6
Repetition rate~76 MHz … ~80 MHz, equal and synchronous to pump laser, others on request
PolarizationSignal and Idler: linear, horizontal
Signal SHG: linear, vertical
Beam quality M2, typical<1.2
Noise, typical<0.5% RMS**
Wavelength tuningFully automated
Wavelength tuning feedbackBuilt-in spectrometer, 495 nm … 1630 nm
SoftwareNotebook with pre-installed software included
Remote controlvia TCP/IP

Datasheets & Brochures

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APE Angewandte Physik und Elektronik GmbH
Plauener Strasse 163-165 | Haus N
13053 Berlin, Germany

Phone: +49 30 986 011-30
Fax: +49 30 986011333

Sales: sales@ape-berlin.de
Support: service@ape-berlin.de

Coherent Scientific pty. Ltd.
Hilton SA 5033, South Australia

Phone: +61 8 8150 5200
Email: sales@coherent.com.au
Website: www.coherent.com.au

APE Angewandte Physik und Elektronik GmbH
Plauener Strasse 163-165 | Haus N
13053 Berlin, Germany

Phone: +49 30 986 011-30
Fax: +49 30 986011333

Sales: sales@ape-berlin.de
Support: service@ape-berlin.de

PulsePower Technology Ltd.
Beijing, Haidan District
China 100090

Phone:+86 10 62565117
Email: mlu@pulsepower.cn
Website: www.pulsepower.cn

Pinnacle Scientific Cooperation
Hangzhou, Jianggan District
China 310020

Phone: +86 571 88225151
Email: sales@psci.cn
Website: www.psci.cn

199 00 Praha 9, Česko

Phone: +420 212 247 293
Email: info@optixs.cz
Website: www.optixs.cz

APE Angewandte Physik und Elektronik GmbH
Plauener Strasse 163-165 | Haus N
13053 Berlin, Germany

Phone: +49 30 986 011-30
Fax: +49 30 986011333

Sales: sales@ape-berlin.de
Support: service@ape-berlin.de

40 rue Victor Basch, 91300 Massy, France

Phone: +33 1 419 061 80
Email: info@optoprim.com
Website: www.optoprim.com

Laser Sciences Services Pvt. Ltd.

Phone: +91 2778 1673
Email: sales@laserscience.in
Website: www.laserscience.co.in/

Ammo Engineering E.O.(1995) Ltd.
Petach Tikva 49171, Israel

Phone: +972 3 9239 666
Email: shmuelr@ammo.co.il
Website: www.ammo.co.il

Optoprim Srl.

Via Rota, 37
20900 Monza (MB)

Phone: +39 039 834977
Email: info@optoprim.it
Website: www.optoprim.it

Via Monte Giberto, 15
00138 Roma

Phone: +39 06 87657838
Email: info@optoprim.it
Website: www.optoprim.it

Phototechnica Corporation
Saitama 336-0017, Japan

Phone: +81 48 871 0067
Email: voc@phototechnica.co.jp
Website: www.phototechnica.co.jp

Seoul 137-862, Korea

Phone: +82 2 3461 1103
Email: sales@rayvis.co.kr
Website: www.rayvis.co.kr

Guty Cardenas 147, Guadalupe Inn
Ciudad de Mexico, C.P. 01020, Mexico

Main Contact: Vicente Garcia Gomez

Phone: +52 555 401 8254
Email: sales@starkscientific.com

Eurotek International
02-668 Warsaw, Poland

Phone: +48 22 843 79 40
Email: eurotek@eurotek.com.pl
Website: www.eurotek.com

Innova Scientific S.L.
28290 Las Rozas de Madrid, Espana

Phone: +34 91 7105650
Email: info@innovasci.com
Website: www.innovasci.com

AceXon Technologies Pte. Ltd.
Singapore 658065

Phone: +65 6565 7300
Email: sales@acexon.com
Website: www.acexontech.com

Innova Scientific S.L.
28290 Las Rozas de Madrid

Phone: +34 91 7105650
Email: info@innovasci.com
Website: www.innovasci.com

APE Angewandte Physik und Elektronik GmbH
Plauener Strasse 163-165 | Haus N
13053 Berlin, Germany

Phone: +49 30 986 011-30
Fax: +49 30 986011333

Sales: sales@ape-berlin.de
Support: service@ape-berlin.de

SuperbIN Company Ltd.
5F., No. 41, Ln. 15, Sec. 6, Minquan E. Rd., Taipei 114
Taiwan, R.O.C.

Phone: +886-2-2793-0866
Fax: +886-2-2793-0855
Email: info@superbin.com.tw
Website: www.superbin.com.tw

APE Applied Physics & Electronics, Inc.
Vancouver | WA | USA

Phone: +1 888 690 3250
Sales: sales@ape-america.com
Support: service@ape-america.com