Dr. Ingo Rimke

Dr. Ingo Rimke


Ingo Rimke is responsible for managing the APE’s research and development activities as Director of R&D. His successfully completed projects include synchronously pumped optical parametric oscillators, cavity dumper and light sources for coherent Raman and multiphoton microscopy. After gaining his PhD in physics at the FU Berlin, Ingo began his career in a small start-up company (bioptic laser) as an R&D engineer. There he developed his first product, a diode-pumped ns-laser. In 2001 Ingo joined APE. As an R&D project manager, he focused on ultrashort pulse lasers and their non-linear wavelength conversion. In 2015 he took the responsibility as Director of R&D, co-chairing this position with Konrad von Volkmann.