Mittweidaer Lasertagung
November 3rd, 2021Another day in the field for our product developer Matthias Baudisch.
During Mittweidaer Lasertagung next week, he has the opportunity to present one of our recent innovations on Autocorrelation. The Laserinstitut Hochschule Mittweida is hosting this conference for the 12th time with the focus on strengthen the connection between laser industry and research institutions.
Our new product, the pulseCheck SM Type 2, is an easy to use and advanced tool for high-dynamic range pulse-contrast measurements of high-repetition rate, sub-µJ energy pulses. During the talk, we will demonstrate autocorrelation dynamic ranges of 1E+7 with input energies as small as 55 nJ at 1 MHz repetition rate or 3 nJ at 80 MHz. The low energy requirements combined with a huge scan range of 1000 ps allow to uncover picosecond pulse pedestals and satellites below the main femtosecond pulse of ultrashort laser systems, which are typically undetected by in industry commonly used autocorrelators.
Title: “Hochkontrast-Ultrakurzpulsmessungen für fortgeschrittene Industrieanwendungen und Laserentwicklung”
Location: Session 6 Lasermesstechnik
Time: Thursday, 11th of Nov. 2021, 13:40 CET
Are you surprised about the title in German? The talk is held in German, which certainly does not suit everyone. If you are interested in the topic, please contact us. We will be happy to give you a short summary in English.